People Who Cut Exs Out of Theor Lives Easy

does he think about her? Or does he cut her out and never look back or think of her again? I am talking about guys who claim that they were in love/loved their partner, had a nasty break-up and then immediately delete their number, never message or reply to messages, delete off msn, fb and never contact again?

I know a lot of the time girls will still obsess over the guy, thinking about him, what he's up to, whether he is ok, whether he has a new gf, whether he misses her and so on. But is it likely that the guy is also thinking of her? Where I am sitting right now I don't even think my ex thinks about me as I sent him a really heartfelt message a week ago and he ignored it He hasn't messaged me at all, apart from one message after the break up to make sure I didn't think he was a bad person. But other than that he has completely cut me out and I am struggling to get over it! I just want to text him and tell him I miss him but at the same time I don't want to chase after him, especially as my friends keep telling me he is not worth it, and he already ignored my heartfelt message the other day which took a lot of time and guts to send

I don't know about your question.
but sounds like you're way too good for him.

I have been in this kinda situation for past 5 months. and I think it's almost best if you both cut eachother out. it is so hard. but it's better than the situation you are in now.

the fact he's not replying to your messages, shows he's being quite nasty particularly as you say they were heartfelt. even tho me and my ex have been trying to see if we could get back together- he's doing much the same and ignored a message i sent him about how it would have been our 4 year anniversary.

I think when it comes to that, and he's ignoring you, you just have to go cold turkey and step away. Eventually he might try and talk to you again but you really have to try and move on- and realise that he's not the guy you thought he was/ something has changed. Because he wouldn't ignore you like this if he still loved you.
something i am just coming to realise.

hope you're ok. xxxxx

Girls cry and think about what there ex is doing etc.

Boys couldn't give two ****s and cut you out, its the way they roll.

Defo think.

Never let anyone else find out about it though.

(Original post by Tba90)
Girls cry and think about what there ex is doing etc.

Boys couldn't give two ****s and cut you out, its the way they roll.

Thanks for your sexist input .

You know your ex better than we will, but if he's cut you out he's sending you a message, he doesn't want to be with you, and you need to learn to stand on your own two feet.
You may well go through a grief process, I'd look up the five stages on wikipedia, it might help you to understand your own feelings.

(Original post by Anonymous)
does he think about her? Or does he cut her out and never look back or think of her again? I am talking about guys who claim that they were in love/loved their partner, had a nasty break-up and then immediately delete their number, never message or reply to messages, delete off msn, fb and never contact again?

I know a lot of the time girls will still obsess over the guy, thinking about him, what he's up to, whether he is ok, whether he has a new gf, whether he misses her and so on. But is it likely that the guy is also thinking of her? Where I am sitting right now I don't even think my ex thinks about me as I sent him a really heartfelt message a week ago and he ignored it He hasn't messaged me at all, apart from one message after the break up to make sure I didn't think he was a bad person. But other than that he has completely cut me out and I am struggling to get over it! I just want to text him and tell him I miss him but at the same time I don't want to chase after him, especially as my friends keep telling me he is not worth it, and he already ignored my heartfelt message the other day which took a lot of time and guts to send

I'm sorry you've been through this. I'm in a similar situation except my ex broke up with me and cut me out because he can't face my existance. I hurt him too much which is understandable. He's told me he still loves me and that's WHY he had to cut me out.

Just because your ex did this to you - doesn't mean he doesn't care.

nobody knows how your ex feels. stop worrying about it and go and buy a nice bra.

(Original post by there's too much love)
Thanks for your sexist input .

You know your ex better than we will, but if he's cut you out he's sending you a message, he doesn't want to be with you, and you need to learn to stand on your own two feet.
You may well go through a grief process, I'd look up the five stages on wikipedia, it might help you to understand your own feelings.

I'm not being sexist its just from experience I would of felt better if he was upset and missed me but where as girls think about it and where it went wrong etc. Guys don't they found it easier to move on.

(Original post by Tba90)
I'm not being sexist its just from experience I would of felt better if he was upset and missed me but where as girls think about it and where it went wrong etc. Guys don't they found it easier to move on.

Oh okay, so based on a little anecdotal evidence you're going to argue that around half the population follow that pattern of behaviour.

I cut my ex from my life completely because I realised that she was an immature, insecure and clingy *****. Still think about her occasionally, but only fleetingly. Don't really long to be back with her or anything.

My natural reaction would be to not do this, but after experiencing this and she doing it to me, I realised that it was for the best and it helped the process of getting over it. So if it happened to me in the future I would probably do it myself but it wouldn't mean it meant nothing probably the opposite in fact.

(Original post by Doughnuts!!)
I cut my ex from my life completely because I realised that she was an immature, insecure and clingy *****. Still think about her occasionally, but only fleetingly. Don't really long to be back with her or anything.

haha same thing bro!

(Original post by Tba90)
Girls cry and think about what there ex is doing etc.

Boys couldn't give two ****s and cut you out, its the way they roll.

Well this is bull****.

Guys have feelings too you know, and most of the time its the girls who make a break-up nasty. Why do you think so many guys lose their respect for women?

Men who do this tend to do it as a means of self-preservation - they feel that they've been hurt enough so decide to minimise the risk of further hurt by cutting all contact, no exceptions. Don't take it personally.

(Original post by there's too much love)
Oh okay, so based on a little anecdotal evidence you're going to argue that around half the population follow that pattern of behaviour.

It is actually true. Tba90 made a very good point there. It might not apply to the majority that you know but I would like to think that it is true overall.

Girls find the situation really sad and they constantly want to check out what their exes are doing, whether they have a new gf e.t.c. Most boys generally tend to move on and get over what's happened in the past.

(Original post by there's too much love)
You may well go through a grief process, I'd look up the five stages on wikipedia, it might help you to understand your own feelings.

Been through 4 of the 5 stages already lol. First day I was in denial about it and actually almost forgot at one point we'd broken up and when I did remember I thought it was just temporary and that we'd get back together because we are soul mates. Then the anger quickly kicked in when I realised I wouldn't get him back, so I sent him a really angry text. Then the bargaining - tried to convince him to get back with me and now I feel really desperate for doing that lol. :eek: I am still kind of in the bargaining stage though because if I could speak to him I would probably still be trying to convince him to get back with me but at the same time I am really gutted about it and keep getting hit with depression, especially when I least expect it.. like I will be revising with my head in a book, then suddenly I'll be in tears! Can't see myself getting to the acceptance stage until I've had some form of closure, as I feel like I haven't had any, but it doesn't seem likely that he will allow me to have that either

(Original post by Barden)
Well this is bull****.

Guys have feelings too you know, and most of the time its the girls who make a break-up nasty. Why do you think so many guys lose their respect for women?

Its more the fact that a guy isn't gonna show they care to the girl thats why they would cut contact and i'm not saying you would lose respect for the girls good guys wouldn't.

But to be honest he just cares if his come out it in a bad way.

But i'm gonna shut up now haha cause im coming out this in a bad way

Lol at peeps who think men can magically stop their feelings. Men cut contact because they don't want to find out about all the new men that have already been inside their (recent) ex-gf.

(Original post by RightSaidJames)
Men who do this tend to do it as a means of self-preservation - they feel that they've been hurt enough so decide to minimise the risk of further hurt by cutting all contact, no exceptions. Don't take it personally.

Yeah that sounds like him to be honest, but if a guy does it for that reason, do you think they are still hurting and/or even thinking about it?

(Original post by *Hakz*)
It is actually true. Tba90 made a very good point there. It might not apply to the majority that you know but I would like to think that it is true overall.

Girls find the situation really sad and they constantly want to check out what their exes are doing, whether they have a new gf e.t.c. Most boys generally tend to move on and get over what's happened in the past.

Thanks haha I knew I had a point girls do take it more personal its just they way we are


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